MPS: Your Virtual Webmaster, Essential Insurance for Websites without In-House Experts

A monthly subscription service for WordPress website owners that provides Maintenance, Performance, Security, SPAM protection, Fixes & Changes and a Rescue resource should things turn south.

SECURITY: Harden your site to keep the bad guys out!

SPAM: Webform and comment spam, virtually elimated.

FIXES & CHANGES: Add a page? Change your hours? We gotchya.

PERFORMANCE: The faster your site, the happier the visitors to your site.

RESCUE: If your website breaks, WE are your personal rescue team!

…all for $375.00 per month

  • 44% of hacking was caused by outdated WordPress sites

Complete the form below to get started!

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WordPress Performance & Security is your insurance policy for your website.

We developed this service for businesses that have a WordPress website but don’t have their own “web person”.

Specifically, a “web person” who:

      • Will make sure the site is running properly
      • Help secure it from the bad guys (hackers & viruses)
      • Help you reduce the Spam that comes in on your web forms or blog comments
      • Will make a few changes to the site monthly
      • And, most importantly, answer the phone when you have a web emergency, something crashes or the site doesn’t respond when you try to open it

Top 10 reason to safeguard your website with WPS!

1. Performance

A poorly performing website, one slow to load, can frustrate visitors to your site and send them elsewhere.

2. Updates

A website not kept up to date with the latest software versions, updates or patches is more likely to break AND easier to hack. Many of those updates were build to “plug” security holes.

3. Security

Most websites have no security installed. The level of security we deliver will frustrate hackers driving them elsewhere.

4. Virus attacks

Viruses or Malware is a very real thing. If your website is infected it may irreparable and have to be rebuilt… OR… the bad guys might hijack it and hold it hostage for a hefty ransom to bet. you back online. We constantly scan your site for any signs of intrusion or an active virus and can work to quickly remove it.


SPAM is prevalent online today and an over abundance of spammy comments on your blogs or form submissions from your site can boggle your systems, make your site look unprofessional and can distract you from actual comments and form submissions. Super annoying!

6. Backups

We backup your site multiple times a week and have recent backups available to help get you operational again should your site crash.

7. Fixes & Changes

You may want a page re-configured, discover that some text appears GIGANTIC on a mobile screen, or maybe change some content. Our service offers a few small changes per month.

8. Control your website accounts

We’ll help you understand all the vendors associated with your website, hosting company, domain provider, etc.. Upfront we make a list of all these vendors, their login and passwords, WHEN their service expires which is super important because an expired service that you were unaware of can cause your website to crash. We help you gather this info to put you back in control of your companies’ website.

9. Rescue Squad

If you discover pages of code all over your website or get a “Site not found” error or some other “morning-ruining” experience – who you gonna call? You can call us. Now you have that emergency contact for your website.

10. Cost

Call this website insurance, call it peace of mind, our reasonable rates are designed to provide quality service at affordable prices.

Updates from the Performance & Security Blog

What is Ransomware?

WHAT IS RANSOMWARE? You may have heard of ransomware before, but what exactly is it? Ransomware is a type of malware that hackers use to infiltrate a computer or network and hold it for ransom. They do this by locking the user out of the system or encrypting important...

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